Visceral Gout Vulture Diclofenac Poisoning

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This report about diclofenac is one of the references to Uric Acid, Pain & Diclofenac. The full report title is “Pathology and proposed pathophysiology of diclofenac poisoning in free-living and experimentally exposed oriental white-backed vultures (Gyps bengalensis).” It was published in October 2005 by Meteyer CU et al.

The study investigates diclofenac poisoning in vultures. Though the deaths are termed visceral gout, there is no apparent risk to gouty humans who take diclofenac for gout pain relief. diclofenac is marketed under several brand names, commonly Voltaren and Voltarol. It is one of the NDAIDs that are regularly used to treat gout pain. They should be taken to help you cope with the first few months of uric acid lowering treatment. They should not be used for longterm gout control.

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