Do allopurinol side effects worry you?
Allopurinol is a powerful drug, so perhaps it is not surprising that many people worry.
Stop worrying and learn how this medication really helps gout, as long as you use it correctly.
Allopurinol Anxieties Purpose
I wrote this allopurinol anxieties article for gout sufferers who won’t take allopurinol because they fear its side effects. Because I want to encourage you to discuss these fears with your doctor or other health adviser. Then you can work with professionals to overcome those fears or find alternative treatments to get your uric acid levels safe. So this article supports the Purpose of within a GoutPal Plan for Gout Victims.
Ideally you will start one of the other plans identified by answering Questions for Gout Sufferers.
Allopurinol Anxieties
I list the standard allopurinol side effects below, but before you look at these, you need to know about one side effect that is rarely explained properly.
This is not a side effect of allopurinol as such, as it applies to all uric acid lowering therapies. When you lower uric acid properly, to a level that gets rid of old uric acid crystals, the melting uric acid crystals can trigger a gout flare. So this is sometimes painful. But it is an expected consequence of proper treatment. Which is easily controlled by six months with a gout pain care package.
Don’t avoid allopurinol just because it might trigger a painful flare. This is one side effect that you should welcome, as it indicates that you are getting better. This effect will diminish, as long as you continue taking allopurinol daily and get your uric acid level checked frequently.
As I’ve said many times in the gout forums:
If you take allopurinol you might get a gout flare. If you do nothing, you will get a gout flare.
See below for More Allopurinol Information including more on the most common, but least discussed of allopurinol side effects: pain.
Allopurinol Side Effects
Note that the side effects listed below are not experienced by everyone. Some are common, others rare, some people have no side effects, or are happy to accept a little discomfort in exchange for the permanent relief from acute gout attacks. As with all treatments, you must decide what is best for you in your particular circumstances and you must discuss side effects fully with your doctor before you start to take any drug and whenever you experience any adverse effects.
The following list may not be complete – if you experience any other problem that you think may be related to taking the drug, then you must consult your doctor.
- Minor side effects that may go away
- You only need to consult your doctor if these become severe
- Indigestion
- Drowsiness
- Headache
- Stomach pain
- Unusual hair loss
- Diarrhea
- Nausea, unless with skin rash – this is serious – see below
- Serious side effects
- The most serious side effect is known as Allopurinol Hypersensitivity Syndrome (AHS) which affects 1 in 1000 patients. The risk of AHS increases with age. You must stop taking the drug and consult your doctor if you have any of the following
- Aching or painful muscles
- Blood in stools
- Blood in urine
- Breathing troubled or short
- Bruising or bleeding without obvious cause
- Chest tight or wheezing
- Chills
- Eyes irritated or red or yellow
- Fever
- Fingernails loose
- Glands swollen or painful
- Hands or feet numb, tingling, painful or weak
- Hives
- Itching
- Lethargy (tiredness or weakness without obvious cause)
- Lower back or side pain
- Mouth or lips sore, ulcerated or showing white spots
- Painful or difficult urination
- Rapid weight gain
- Rash, especially with vomiting or nausea
- Red pinpoint skin spots
- Skin red, tender, burning or peeling
- Skin sores
- Skin thickened or scaly
- Skin yellow
- Sore, bleeding lips
- Swelling of face, feet, fingers, lower legs or stomach
- Tarry, black stools
- Throat sore and feverish
- Urine suddenly decreases in amount
More Allopurinol Information
Read more vital allopurinol information:
- Minimize Allopurinol Side Effects
- To minimize allopurinol side effects the best approach is to start low. Some people should avoid allopurinol altogether. Get risk reduction advice now.
- Are Allopurinol Side Effects Serious?
- Allopurinol side effects worry many people, so just how serious are they?
- 3 Vital Allopurinol Dosage Rules
- Allopurinol dosage needs to be planned, measured and adjusted for different treatment phases. A standard 300 mg dose might be just what you need – but make sure that it is set by diagnosis and judgment, not by dangerous guesswork.
- Allopurinol For Gout Control
- In-depth look at the management of gout using allopurinol.
- Allopurinol Drug Not Just For Gout
- Though mostly used in gouty arthritis, the allopurinol drug has found to be useful for other conditions.

Your Allopurinol Anxieties
Have you seen other alternative spellings? Or do you have any questions, experiences, or opinions about allopurinol side effects? Then please tell me about your allopurinol side effect concerns in the gout forum.
Leave Allopurinol Anxieties to read more about allopurinol side effects. Or continue with your GoutPal Victims Plan.
Allopurinol Anxieties Feedback
I created this website to help me overcome allopurinol anxieties. Now, allopurinol is my best friend. So I don’t need this information. But I’d like to make it more relevant to you.
I can only help you if I know more about your particular concerns about allopurinol. Then I can change my message so it helps you solve your personal allopurinol issues. So before you tell me, here is some feedback that I’m currently reviewing to try and make this page better:
23 Nov 2019: Are Allopurinol and Uloric the same?
My response to that is that they are not the same. But they both help gout patients by treating excess uric acid. So they need similar gout patient treatment plans to manage each stage of gout recovery. Therefore, you must discuss those stages with your doctor. Especially to arrange blood tests and prescription dose reviews.
However, in the context of this page, I believe the concern here is if Uloric has the same side effects as Allopurinol. In which case, they are very different. Because they act on different parts of your body so the effects are different for each drug. Therefore, you must discuss your concerns with your doctor. Specifically to arrange appropriate screening tests. Then to discuss the points I covered in the previous paragraph.
Allopurinol Anxieties Related Topics
Please remember: to find more related pages that are relevant to you, use the search box near the top of every page.
Common Terms: allopurinol, weight
Other posts that include these terms:
- Losing Weight With Gout Foods To Avoid
- When To Start Allopurinol
- Gout Medications To Avoid Gout By Lower Uric Acid
- Starting Allopurinol – Dosing Guidelines
- What Is Allopurinol?
- Allopurinol And Alcohol: Can You Spirit Away Gout?
- Gout and Obesity – Avoid Excess Calories
Allopurinol Anxieties Spelling
Like many medicines, allopurinol is often misspelled. Though spelling is often overrated, it pays to take extra care with medicines, as a misunderstanding might cause treatment problems in the unlikely event of a similar sounding drug being taken mistakenly.
Additionally, bad spelling or using brand names can make searching for information difficult.
I have now moved spelling tips to the allopurinol facts page. So see Allopurinol facts for allipurinal, allopurinal, allunopril, alupronol, and alupurionol.
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