Vegetarian Zucchini Pizza for Gout

This Pizza for Gout photograph is by Marco Verch from the Vegetarian Zucchini Pizza page at Marco’s site. I’ve resized his photograph. So see that page for the original photograph and its copyright details.

Pizza suitability for gout depends on the toppings. It also depends on whether the gout sufferer is trying to establish a gout foundation diet as a GoutPal Foodie. Or following a uric acid diet as a GoutPal Dieter.

Pizza is OK as part of a Gout Foundation Diet. But it is especially valuable if it is a vegetable pizza. As that is definitely part of the Mediterranean and the Alkaline foundation diets. Similarly, vegetable pizza toppings are a useful way of improving uric acid diets. Especially with ingredients that are known to reduce uric acid. Such as onions.

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