This gout treatment page lists the archived answers to questions about gout cures and remedies, both medicinal and alternative.

It includes closed gout treatment discussions that are waiting to be summarized in the archive.

The Gout Treatment Section at is a fuller reference to all gout treatment issues. These archive pages support that with personal views and experiences. Please note that almost all the experiences quoted here are based on personal accounts from fellow gout sufferers and their carers. They are not medical opinions, but they may help you understand what your doctor tells you, and help you know what questions to ask your doctor.

Recently Closed Gout Treatment Topics

I summarize and add these topics to the Gout Treatment Answer Archives. More topics are added here as current gout treatment discussions are closed.
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Gout Treatment Answers Archive

Old gout treatment discussions are archived in the following groups:

Herbal Gout Remedies

Answering questions like “Do herbal remedies for gout really work?” and “Where can I find gout remedies?”, this archive includes summaries of all the discussions relating to herbal gout treatments.

Natural Gout Remedy

Answering questions like “Are bottled maraschino cherries a good gout remedy?” and “Is lemon juice a remedy for gout?”, this archive includes summaries of all the discussions relating to food and drink based gout treatments.

Other Natural Remedies For Gout

Answering questions about non-medical gout treatments that do not fit into the above two groups.

Gout Cures For Pain

Answering questions like “What cures gout pain?” and “What are the best gout pain cures?”, this archive includes summaries of all the discussions relating to medical pain reliving gout treatments.

Other Gout Relief

Answering questions about medical gout treatments that do not fit into the above two groups.

If you have any questions about gout treatment, or opinions and experiences to share, you can join a suitable discussion, or start a new topic in the Gout Treatment Help section.

Other Gout Answers sections are listed in the Gout Answers Index.